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Hazel Lee
Lego Competition Festival
On 4/16/23 SF- Shanghai Association and PortolaNeighborhood Association organized Lego CompetitionFestival, and the following booths have...

Hazel Lee
寶多拉樂高賽熱鬧 小朋友大人物同歡
2022年星島兒童才藝大賽冠軍Amber Lee表演古箏。記者蘇婕雅攝 (本報記者蘇婕雅三藩市報道) 由舊金山上海協會主辦、星島日報媒體贊助的寶多拉 (Portola)社區樂高 (Lego)比賽星期天舉行,除了深受小朋友喜歡的樂高攤位外,還有三藩市經濟與勞動力發展辦公室(O...

Hazel Lee
On March,13, 23 Monday Merchant Walk
Another outrageous violent robbery occurred on1/9/23.The victim was a 43-yearold Chinese American woman. She drove a van into...

Hazel Lee
加強寶多拉商圈治安 三藩市警民並肩宣傳
警察代表對Portola商圈進行安全警示之行。記者蘇婕雅攝 警察局高級分析師梁林靜宇用中文向華裔商家解釋舉報的罪案和區分不同號碼功能的重要性。記者蘇婕雅攝 三藩市寶多拉(Portola)商圈由於地理位置優越,一直吸引眾多華裔商家在此經營,但凡人多熱鬧的地方,治安也同樣引人關...

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