地址: 列治文長者中心 6221 Geary Blvd 3rd floor S F CA 94121
作為華人, 在面对層出不窮針对亜裔的仇視、暴力事件, 社區安全問題時,
我們应該如何防患於未然, 萬一不幸遇到襲擊如何自保, 如何做明智的選民,
如何通遇投票爭取自己的權利, 和如何使用攜式電子報警器等問題。
The meeting was held
on May, 5, 2021,Wednesday 1PM,
at Richmond Senior Center 6221 Geary Blvd 3rd Floor S F CA 94121
Theme: Social Information
As a Chinese, when faced with an endless stream of hatred, violent incidents and community safety issues against sub - descendants,
how should we take precautions before they happen, how should we protect ourselves against an unfortunate attack, how should we serve as wise voters when such issues crop up,
how should you strive for your rights by means of voting and how to use portable electronic alarms, etc.